Okay in my first post I mentioned a website that showed blood samples of autistic children. The blood cells looked CLUMPY, oxygenless unable to move through the veins. No oxygen getting to vital organs such as the brain means no cleansing, no development. I was at a family party when I ran into my father-in-law's brother-in-law who happens to use a machine called the BEMER 3000 for his kidneys. (He used to have 10% kidney function and now has at least 60%) The BEMER 3000 is a PEMF device (Pulsed electro-magnetic field) and what it does is separate the eurythrocytes and allow them to unclump, carry oxygen and heal the body! Astronauts use this technology in their space suits because of the lack of this force in space. I tried the BEMER twice so far. Each time I noticed healing accelerated in my body, especially my dry skin. I have felt some effects from detoxing myself but I figure that is just my body killing off all the bad stuff. Addie and Ted have both tried the machine twice as well. Ted said his back feels better when he uses it and his bruised ribs have healed incredibly fast. Addie answers faster to my questions and I can tell her alertness has improved. The therapy is easy. You lay on a mat 8 min. twice a day. The only downside is the machine costs nearly $4,000. Miraculously we had enough money to buy me one for my birthday! And I mean miraculously. They do have a rental program that seems like a good alternative but if anyone wants to try out mine let me know. I am going to continue the therapy and I will post the results. Here is BEMER 3000's website... Thank You Heavenly Father for leading me to this.


  1. Would love to hear an update on your Bemer results. I am involved with this company and witnessed some amazing results with this device and autistic children.


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