Hadley using the BEMER 3000


Hadley on the Bemer 3000 mat.  Very simple to use. Just lay on the mat 8 min twice a day.

My daughter started showing signs of autism at around age 18 months although I didn't realize it at the time.  She started walking on her tiptoes and flapping her arms.  She slowly stopped developing language from that point.   My journal entries talk about new behaviors she is exhibiting that are typically autistic although I thought the behaviors were just silly at the time.   Hadley gradually lost more and more attention span and language.  She would run away EVERYWHERE we went.  She had NO fear. She had NO sense of pain.  I remember she got stung by a bee and she didn't even notice.  She was in her own little world most of the time. The only things she would say were lines from movies.  She was just talking to herself though.  She didn't answer to her name or answer questions.  It was very very difficult.  I didn't know what autism was though really until she was diagnosed by the school district at three. I learned about the gluten-free/casein-free diet and the first day I took away the milk, at the end of the day she said her first spontaneous thing to me. She said, "No, this way". I thought wow there is something biological going on.  I had her blood tested for allergies and sure enough, she was allergic to a whole bunch of things.  As I changed her diet and added different supplements she started being more and more "present" and not in her own little world.  I could see her progress but before the diet change, she was actually getting worse according to her reports from therapists.  She qualified for speech, occupational, and ABA therapy before she turned three.  When she first started preschool she qualified for the 5-hour-a-day essentially one on one program at school.  Only after a couple months on the diet did they moved her up to the higher-functioning class.   She still had weird behaviors like opening and closing doors for long periods of time.  The diet was so hard as well.  I have two older children who hated the diet and it was too hard to control most of the time.  It seemed also like diet could only do so much if her body was not able to digest foods very well.  I was so elated when I found the BEMER machine when she was 4.5 years old.  It does was diet would do.  It helps keep the blood pH normal and helps the blood to reach all areas of the body. Oxygen keeps the body healthy. Yeast and other pathogens cannot live in the presence of oxygen.  If the blood lacks oxygen this can be a real problem.   The more times the blood cells circulate and pass over tissue the more opportunity it has to cleanse and deliver nutrients to those body tissues.  The brain needs oxygen, nutrients, and fatty -omega acids to develop.  If the body is not able to digest food and get these nutrients to the brain then of course it's not going to develop right.    I am not quite sure why or how a magnetic field gets the blood to areas it couldn't before but that is what it does. I think it has something to do with the zeta potential and the iron in the blood.
