Emails I have received about other's success with the BEMER

I received a wonderful email from (name withheld)(mother of son with autism) expressing her son's unbelievable progress. He is forming words & is now expressing emotions in his first 30 days. They are so grateful to you and Jack. I wonder if you could send me a letter describing Hadley's response to the following items (before and after): Dian says you have a blog about autism. What is your web address for the blog? Thank you both so much for all you do for others.

•A lack of awareness or understanding for others´ feelings
•Difficulty imitating others
•Inability to relate to peers
•Social Isolation
•Inability to express emotions
•Poor gaze or eye-contact
•A non-existence of, delay in or even loss of language development. A typical or nonfunctional use of language
•Lack of interest in and/or unusual use of toys
•Poor imaginary play
•Repeated motor movements or unusual, purposeless movements such as hand flapping, body rocking or sound making
•Sensory challenges (auditory, taste and feel)
•Repetitive or ritualistic behavior
•Inconsistent sleeping problems
•Poor motor planning

In Response to Neil's email,
let me just say, That Hadley was exhibiting all of those behaviors to some degree before I started any intervention. Even after the diet intervention she still was very slow in her speech development and interactive play. After the BEMER therapy I saw an improvement in these areas especially in a period of a few months. She started answering questions faster, the ability to play with her peers increased, I could just tell that something had changed and she was on the right track now. She had the ability to finally learn at a normal pace and this whole year in Kindergarten she has indeed showed that. She is reading. She is making jokes now. She likes to be funny. She said the other day, "That's my best friend (pointing to her sister) She's my sissy!" (she said it with kind of a southern accent showing playfulness). I can't express how much I am amazed with the progress and thankful for this machine.

Here is an email I received:
"I wanted to write you a note to say thank you for your recommending the Bemer mat for (name withheld). We have been using it for a month now with (him) and it really has made some remarkable changes. His speech is more conversational, he is pronouncing letters that he couldn't before, he is actually talking about emotions now (before he couldn't even recognize them), and he even told me today "(I am) scared of the dark." I am blown away at what a difference it has made. I really am grateful for you and your husband's time for total strangers and now it has made such a difference in our lives."
