Progress with the BEMER!

 Well Hadley has shown tremendous growth in the past month. Plus considering she is totally off the diet except some probiotics I still give her every morning. Feb. 22 she gave her first talk in Primary (Sunday School) in front of all the kids and she did awesome. We are in a new ward and I haven't needed to tell anyone about her previous diagnosis. She did just as well as the other kids her age and we were so proud of her. Hadley can now write her name and her preschool teacher says she is making strides with her social goals as well. We asked her yesterday who her friend is at preschool and she said "Grace." I was shocked on so many levels. First of all she hardly ever answers hard questions, second of all she has typically a bad memory, and third of all she usually plays by herself at school. So I am thrilled with this progress she is making! Yesterday we had friends over and I told Hadley to take the girls to her room to show them her Barbies and she did and apparently they had fun playing. I think she is acting more and more typical each day. So it has been about 2 months of using the BEMER and the progress has been gradual but the progress definitely is there and I am excited about it! I am so thankful for this miracle!
