Hadley's GF-CF-SF intervention before we found the BEMER

  In June 2009, she was 34 months old and a month before that she was assessed by the county as being at a 9-month-old level for receptive language and 18 months old for expressive language. She also ran on her tippy toes and hated to sit in a chair unless she was watching a show. She would always run away from me in public places and I don’t think she even knew her own name. She really didn’t talk unless she was repeating what we said or quoting a TV show randomly. She seemed to be in her own little world most of the time. Before she was assessed by the school district, the OT therapist said she had sensory integration disorder. I didn't think she was autistic because she was affectionate, but she was definitely on the spectrum now that I look back. Her diet was basically milk because that was all I could get her to consume along with the occasional chicken nuggets and bread and sometimes carrots or cheerios. I knew that something had to change with her diet and I read about the GF CF diet on the TACA website. I changed her diet the next day to the GF CF diet and saw results the first day. At the end of the first day she said her first spontaneous words to me. She said, “No this way.” So I knew I was on to something.

I also tried SCD diet for about a month or two because I didn’t just want to start feeding her sugary things because I knew that was bad for the flora in your intestines. I learned a lot about bad food dyes, additives, and preservatives and yeast. I learned how to cook my own chicken broth and how to eat simple organic meals. So now we are gluten-free, casein-free, sugar-free, honey-free, and “fake man-made stuff” free, also white corn free. We also only drink pure Spring water and “not from concentrate” organic apple juice, goji and prune juice. We always eat organically now and pretty simple food. We eat a lot of Quinoa, brown rice cakes, sweet potato fries, apples, organic meats, eggs, and vegetables. We have gluten-free tortilla chips every now and then and the Terra sweet potato chips. We eat Puffins “original” cereal because it is sweetened with molasses and not sugar or honey and eat it with Rice Dream Original(not enriched). Rice Dream is not so great anyway so use it only if you have to.

A study was published on the internet back in June 2009 the day before my daughter was diagnosed as being Autistic by the school district. The blood in these samples in the study lacked the Zeta factor or negative electrical charge that keeps the blood cells from sticking together. I am guessing that the blood pH is acidic because of the lack of the ability to carry oxygen. Anything that helps make the blood more alkaline or carry oxygen better would help the blood flow. The salt is supposed to work because it has ionized trace minerals and salt that help regulate pH so they can carry more oxygen to the rest of the body and get through the veins without clogging.

She understands what I say to her and responds now. She responds to other people. She has conversations with her grandma on the phone. She doesn't walk on her tippy toes anymore. She has a best friend that she plays with at church and holds hands with. She plays dress up and has much more imaginative play. The school therapy is important and helped but I think the diet was crucial to her being able to be helped. The brain needs enough oxygen to function and to grow. The body and the mind need to be in a calm place to be able to focus and nutrition is vital.
